*You may need to  have an Java Runtime Environment installed in order to run the Applet for real-time stock quote data.  Click here to get the free JRE.
**If you are using Internet Explorer as your web browser,  unblock the browser to allow the embeded Java Applet for real-time data.
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Equity Analyzer

Equity analyzer enables you to retrieve free historical data, draw charts for technical analysis, design, evaluate and compare investing/trading strategies. The Volume Accumulation Distribution indicator is specially designed to predict stock trends "before" the market. Click here for information on the software. Click here for information on how well the indicator plays in predicting stock trends.


Historical Data Loader, an intelligent software that allows you to retrieve free stock and/or options historical price data from the Internet. The retrieved data  are stored in text files.  Users can use the data with spreadsheet sofware (e.g., MS Excel) or MetaStock software to draw charts for technical analysis.  Click here for more information.

Portfolio Builder

The Portfolio Builder enables user to screen the stock market for stocks that are worth noting. It ranks stocks into 9 levels. Click here for more information. Click here for stock picks automatically generated by Portfolio Builder.

Portfolio Guard

The Portfolio Guard screens stocks in the portfolio and alarms when there are signs that the stock positions should be exited. This reduces loss and time of users who manage a large list of stocks and thus makes stock trading less stressful. Click here for more information.


The PortfolioMaster integrates the features in EquityAnalyzer, Portfolio Builder and Portofolio Guard. Click here for more information.